PARENTS ORIENTATION PROGRAM We believe and standby the age old wisdom “Parents are the second teacher in a child’s life”On 13th & 15th November 2018 , we had organized an orientation cum workshop on ” How to bring up successful and rich Kids” The session helped the parents to understand their child’s developmental needs and […]


CHILDREN’S DAY CELEBRATION A child is a gift of purity, love, innocence and the best of both worlds. At Care International School,children are the epitome of life. We have always given utmost love, care and affection to the children to nurture them and help in their healthy growth and development. All the children in their […]

IIMUN @ CARE, November 9 – 11, 2018

REPORT OF IIMUN TRICHY 2018 Being Indian at heart and international in mind, CARE International School opened the curtains for the third edition of IIMUN Trichy on November 9th to 11th 2018. This edition was entirely different from the other ones as the organizations changed its nomenclature of IIMUN from Indian International Model United Nations […]

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