Joy of Giving – Kerala Flood Relief

JOY OF GIVING: SPECIAL PRAYERS FOR KERALA  “Joy multiplies when it is shared among friends, but grief diminishes with every division. That is life.” Life is not always about success, it is not about only pinnacles. Life teaches us that every let down, disaster can be faced and met if we meet it together. Our […]


DST INSPIRE SCIENCE CAMP Two of our science stream student Master Vyas and Master Aditya of Class XI  attended a 5 day Inspire science camp conducted by Department of Science & Technology,Govt. of India, in the premises of National college, Trichy. It is a novel and innovative idea of the Government of India to sensitize […]


A Fun day with science!!!  Learning science from a book and learning through doing gives the child very different dimensions on the subject. At CARE International School the emphasis is learning by doing. The main objective of conducting ” Fun with Science Day” is to motivate school students to engage with science, to engage them in […]

A talk with Ms. Julia on Career Choices

EMPOWERING THE STUDENTS: CAREER CHOICES  As part of our INSPIRE session students of class 9 and 10 had an opportunity to interact with Ms. Julia, a student from Stanford University  is here in India to do her internship at our CARE Group of Institution, as part of her masters program. Ms. Julia shared her experience […]

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