Investiture Ceremony

On 24th June, 2016, deserving young talents of our School were bestowed with the responsibility of leading their School from the front with their commitment, confidence and competence. The Investiture Ceremony thus marked the inaugural of the student council for the academic session 2016-17. The chief guest of the august gathering, Mr.Debendra Narayan Kar, I.R.S., […]

Field Trip to Planetarium

The students of class VI were taken on a field trip to ANNA SCIENCE CENTRE as a part of the study tour on 20.06.16.The students were much excited to watch the show on SOLAR SYSTEM. The children shared their wonderful experience after watching the animated show on SOLAR SYSTEM. The various models displayed in the […]

Parent Orientation Program

As is the custom of CARE International School, every year all the parents are invited for an orientation where parents are briefed about the previous year’s achievements and about the various new initiatives, the school is pursuing for the current academic year. It acts as a forum where the stakeholders can understand the needs and […]

Field trip to N.Kuttapattu

LEARNING FROM REAL LIFE SITUATIONS. A FIELD TRIP TO NAVALLUR KUTTAPATTU VILLAGE On 17.06.2016,the students of class IX were taken to the village Navallur Kuttapattu to study for the project on “A Village Economy”. In the village, the students interacted with villagers from various economic strata and collected information on their socio- economic conditions.       […]

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