Teacher Workshop by CBSE

CBSE CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAMME ON CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT- 24th & 25th NOVEMBER,2017 CARE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL has always felt that the students are an asset for the school and they require to be nurtured for with utmost care. At times there are certain children with special needs and difficult situations which need to be handled with tact […]

Children’s Day Celebrations

CHILDREN’S DAY CELEBRATION 2017 At CARE, we believe children are the treasure troves that needs to be nurtured, celebrated and protected. Every year on the children’s day, a lot of innovative competitions are held to encourage the children to bring out their hidden talents and encourage them to achieve their best. The celebration kicked off […]

Grandparent’s Day

We believe that our students are the branches of a tree, they get to grow in all directions but grandparents are the roots and to celebrate the roots and to teach our students benefits of being grounded even when they reach the stars, we celebrated Grandparent’s Day at CARE on 8th November.  Our students presented […]

IIMUN – 2nd edition

IIMUN – TRICHY CHAPTER (SECOND EDITION) CARE International School in collaboration with IIMUN hosted the IIMUN Trichy chapter 2017 (Second Edition) from 3rd to 5th November 2017 in the school campus. The event had nearly 250 delegates from nearly 15 schools in and around Trichy handled 7 committees. . The list of committees are as […]

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