Annual Day Celebrations

ANNUAL DAY CELEBRATION: ROOTS TO SHOOTS People without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture are like a tree without roots. Every year CARE International School has presented Annual Days which are theme based. This year we are very proud to present our annual day which was an insight on the contribution of […]
Money smart school

National Center for Financial Education, has granted our school the money smart certificate and Logo. We are one of the few schools of Trichy to have applied for this program and been certified for the same. A proud and happy achievement for us indeed.
VVM Exam

VIDYARTHI VIGYAN MANTHAN Knowledge is not bound within textbooks, it is beyond text books. Sciences has to be used in our day to day life and it is essential that for any country to progress to have the quality of inquisitiveness, observation, experimental nature. The students of Care International School gave the Science online examination […]