Field trip to Khadi Swadeshi or indigenous are not mere words, they impact the very economy of a country. Any country to become a developed country must produce and use commodities made by its own country. This concept holds all the more important in this growing age of globalisation. As a part of the 150th […]

Field Trip: KG students explored the supermarkets

  We believe in all round awareness and development of students. On 28/2/2020,our pre primary students went on a field trip to Reliance Market as part of extended learning on “Food we eat”. Our students identified healthy and unhealthy food enthusiastically.   A supermarket is a wonderful place for children to be made aware of and learn […]

A Trip – Back to the history!

Students of Class VI were taken on a field trip to Thirumayam Fort, which has played a vital role in our freedom struggle.The fort is believed to have had 7 concentric walls but only 3 is remaining now. The rock cut temples dedicated to Lord Shiva and Lord Vishu temple and the swatik shaped water […]

An unforgettable trip to Madurai

Historical and Heritage Tour. On the 31st of January, students of class VII, VIII & IX went  on a field trip to understand the rich cultural history behind the city of Madurai and to have an understanding of the way of  life and history behind Tamil Civilization. In this journey, students went to Keeladi Exhibits ,a […]

A trip to the Space center!- an effort to increase science literacy.

FIELD TRIP: ANNASPACE CENTRE AND PLANETARIUM                     21ST NOVEMBER, 2019 Learning in the lap of nature is always a welcome change for any child. Children learn more when they are provided a chance to learn through observation. CARE International School has always encouraged learning by observation and experiential learning rather than classroom learning. In a positive […]

Into the garden of Butterflies!

Field trip: Butterfly Park                                                21st November, 2019 It is a magic of nature to see how eggs hatch, change to larvae, then pupa finally the beautiful, colorful butterflies. Students from Grade 1 to 3 were taken on a field trip to the tropical butterfly park in Srirangam, Trichy. The sprit for the field trip […]


WORLD  POST DAY CELEBRATION                                                9th October, 2019 Today, world has become a global village. Communication and information technology plays a crucial role in bringing the world close together. The early means of communication was the postal service. The aim of celebrating world post day is to create awareness of the role of postal sector […]

Chugga Chugga choo choo! A trip to Railway station.

A trip to railway station by class 4 & 5. The main purpose of this trip was to help our students understand how people travel.  Students also learnt how to travel safe. They were absolutely thrilled to see the control room and how tracks are changed and how signals work. Students visited the parcel service section. […]

Why to teach road safety at school?

When it comes to the safety of your children, we do not compromise. Unlike adults, children do not have the maturity to know what to do and what not, when walking on the roads. Without adult supervision and proper knowledge of road safety rules, children can put themselves at risk. By teaching about road safety […]

Future of food and tech behind it.

CARE believes in exposing the real world to our students and prepare them for the challenges ahead. With that tradition in mind, students of class 6th to 10th went to Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology, Thanjavur. Students got an idea about technology in food preserving,processing and manufacturing.    

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