Historical and Heritage Tour.

On the 31st of January, students of class VII, VIII & IX went  on a field trip to understand the rich cultural history behind the city of Madurai and to have an understanding of the way of  life and history behind Tamil Civilization. In this journey, students went to Keeladi Exhibits ,a peek into Sangam era. Students were awe inspired looking at the expanse of knowledge that people had exhibited in their day to day living, some 3000 years ago. They learnt how far and wide the people have travelled and how transfer of knowledge happened between Indus and Tamil Civilaization. Through this visit they developed a special respect and love for the ancestors.

Their next stop was at an architectural delight, Thirumalai Nayakar Mahal an exquiste example of Fusion of Indo Islamic Architecture with huge pillars, Islamic arches, Hindu carvings and European clearstory windows. Students were spellbound to the hear te brave king’s stories and what he had done to the people of Madurai.The very idea of building such an wonderful structure without any aid of technology, left the kids perplexed .

Their last stop was at Gandhi Memorial Museum. Here, our students were able to connect well with the Indian Freedom Moment and the people behind the show. They learnt a lot about Mahatma Gandhi as they read his writings and looked at his works and objects he had used.

Trips like these help our students to understand how visions and the values of  visionaries like Thirumalai Nayakar, Gandhi and how they live amidst us even after they had departed physically hundreds of years ago.
.Visiting these historical place was an inspiration to children.

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