Exploring Sir C.V.Raman STEM park

On 28th November, primary students from class 1 to 5 went to the newly opened STEM park in Srirangam. This field trip helped them understand and experience how science, technology, engineering and maths works in everyday life. Students had a first hand look at Sir C.V. Raman’s life story and his inventions. Students came to […]

Study Tour to Wayanad

Embarking on an unforgettable adventure!  Grades 9-12 students from Care International School explored the wonders of Wayanad, forging memories to last a lifetime. Students started the journey from school on 13th October. Students had a wonderful time as they trekked their way up the Eddakkal caves, stayed in tents at a camping site in the […]

Study Tour to ISRO

We had the privilege of taking our students from grade 6 to 8 to ISRO, Trivandrum. Students started from school on 13th October and spent 3 full days in Kerala. Students had an unforgettable time at Jadayu Earth Center, ISRO, zoo, beaches and malls in Kerala. The whole experience of being at a new place, […]

Farm Trip – Class 1 to 5

On 15th September, students of  Grade I-V went to Yejaman Farm near Trichy! Our children had a blast getting up close with animals, frolicking in the fields, and enjoying an unforgettable horseback adventure. Learning + Fun = Perfect Field Trip!

Choo Choo Tale – A fun trip!!

All aboard the excitement express! Our KG children took a journey through the Railway Museum for an unforgettable field trip on 15th Sep, 2023. , where education met excitement and fun was on the tracks!  #LearningThroughPlay #FieldTripFun 

A trip to Grand Anicut

The last fieldtrip of the academic year 2022-23 for Primary (I-V) was planned to Kallanai-The Grand Anicut. As students have studied about different sources of water, Karikala Cholan, scientific instruments etc., it was decided to visit Kallanai to get an understanding of how science and nature was part of everyday problem solving. Lot of information […]

Field trip to Fire Station

Our pre-primary children visited the cantonment fire station to learn more about the job of a  fireman. Field trips are a great way of connecting classroom learning to real-world experiences. This trip to the fire station was to raise awareness of the value of neighbourhood helpers in everyday life. It was fascinating to watch kids […]


It is true that the smell of a yummilicious pizza on an exhausting evening is ecstatic; but not at the expense of our health. We are so addicted to fast foods and their marketing strategies and are caught in the vicious cycle of consuming them again and again. Not only have we forgotten our old […]


Previous Next Being born in the land that is rich in its heritage,we had hit euphoria, while the whole world marveled at The Brihadeshwara Temple, famously known as The Big Temple. Greater is the joy when we realize that we own that culture and the purest form of architecture,which is the blend of science and art, holding […]


Having the heart( and mind ) of a child gives us a whole new vantage point, to look at the world. We, at CARE International School want our children to get bored to an extent, to make room in their minds for exploring the nature around them. To make it easier and interesting, our children of […]

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