FIELD TRIP: PUDUKKOTTAI MUSEUM A child learns better not in four walls but when he sees things beyond. At CARE International School lot of emphasis is also laid on experiential learning. In an effort to help children realize the vitality that history has in our life, students were taken to the Pudukkottai Museum. This museum […]

VISIT TO ERUMBEESWARAR TEMPLE It is essential that a child learns what his/her surrounding has to offer him. He/she can learn more about the past from historic monuments than what is offered in books. Grasping ability is enhanced in any child when the child learns through observation. CARE International School believes that certain facts are […]
Field Trip to Chakra Milk Factory

EDUCATIONAL EXCURSION CHARKA MILK & TULYA BEVERAGES, PERUMBALUR Every learning from a book can be expanded manifold with hands on learning. CARE International School has always believed in learning by doing. To encourage this very attitude and methodology of teaching, classes III, IV and V students i.e. 120 students were taken to Chakra Milk Parlour, […]
Field trip for Class 1 & 2

FIELD TRIP: FIRE STATION AND BUTTERFLY PARK A disaster can be avoided if we are prepared to face the disaster. Small children are quick learners. The children of classes 1 and 2 were taken on a visit to the Srirangam fire station. Excitement was in the air. Kids were awestruck with the very place where […]
Field trip for our tiny tots
FIELD TRIP: VISIT TO THE AQUARIUM Our cutie pies went to see beautiful, colourful fishes. The Kindergarteners were taken to the golden aquarium, Anna Nagar on 27th July, 2018. They were taken on this trip as a pleasure trip so that they can see a colourful world of fishes, tiny and big. The children squealed […]
Field Trip to Madurai – Grade 8,9,10

Care International School believes that history and architecture is better learnt from live exposure to museums and visit to galleries than books. On 10.12.16, the students of classes VIII to X were taken on an educational field trip to Madurai to learn history of freedom struggle by visiting the Gandhi Museum & to have a […]
A Journey to the soil of the Sun God!!!

“Learning doesn’t happen only in schools and with textbooks, learning happens when we connect with the real life situations. Therefore to boost up analytical skill, application skill and leadership quality of our students, the school took them on a 7 day study tour to Odisha. Along the journey the student visited Sun temple and Jagannath […]
Field Trip to Srirangam Temple

On August 16 2016, 90 kindergarten kids along with 6 teachers and 6 helpers visited SRIRANGAM TEMPLE, Trichy. Mr. Raju, grandfather of Jaeswin Surya (U.K.G) assisted and guided us, to go around and to learn about the temple. Kids were excited to see the elephant at the entrance. Children got blessings in ‘Chakrathaalwar Sannidhi’ and […]
Field Trip to Trichy Museum

On 14th July 2016, the students of class 4th and 5th went on a field trip to Trichy Museum. The museum had displayed artifacts like sculptures, inscriptions,paintings, currencies from early chola period, musical instruments and the museum also exhibits rare flora and fauna and fossils.The Students were awed to see so many reptiles and mammals […]
Field Trip to Ordinance Factory Trichy – 04.07.16

A TRIP TO ORDINANCE FACTORY TRICHY On the 4th of July, the students of class VIII and IX were taken to ORDINANCE FACTORY, TRICHY to visit an exhibition on ‘ Manufacturing of defence products’ on the occasion of their Golden Jubilee Celebrations. The ordinance factories are considered as the fourth line of defence for a […]