“Exploration is curiosity put into action” We indeed acknowledge that every child is gifted and they unwrap their packages at different times. Here we have the young champions of our school who, have unwrapped their astonishing skills in the field of digital designing which was conducted by Design championship. Design championship is India’s biggest national […]

Field trip to Khadi Swadeshi or indigenous are not mere words, they impact the very economy of a country. Any country to become a developed country must produce and use commodities made by its own country. This concept holds all the more important in this growing age of globalisation. As a part of the 150th […]
Field Trip: KG students explored the supermarkets

We believe in all round awareness and development of students. On 28/2/2020,our pre primary students went on a field trip to Reliance Market as part of extended learning on “Food we eat”. Our students identified healthy and unhealthy food enthusiastically. A supermarket is a wonderful place for children to be made aware of and learn […]
The secret power of unstructured play

I was getting ready to go for the next story session. That is when, I heard a child calling my name from one end of the corridor “Sowmya Ma’am come here fast… fast”. I rushed to the classroom, all the children were getting ready for their freehand drawing and painting time. They are ready with […]
Everyday tradition!

Every day morning I will be waiting to see our tiny tots smiles, laughs, naughty looks, crys, mood swings and their different emotions. We all know, from our own experience, that there are some things you can learn from a book – but some things you can’t. Understanding feelings, respecting other people’s views, developing confidence […]

Hello….. Everyone !… I, Sowmya Ganesh, pre-primary coordinator would like to share how much I enjoy each and every day of my work and love to give you heads up on the happenings at the kindergarten. I work closely with all the kindergarten teachers, guiding them, handholding them & working towards educating each student. I […]
Tiny feet running , squealing and laughter everywhee

Tiny feet running… squealing and laughter everywhere.. Welcome to CARE Kindergarten. A place were the first and lifelong friendship are forged, a tiny step towards life coming your way. I’m really happy to share an amazing moment that happened in Kindergarten today. It was a regular outdoor time for pre-primary children, excitement was in the […]

CITIZENS FOR UYYAKONDAN: DRAWING COMPETITION 26th January, 2020 “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” CARE International School has always promoted social causes and Shramdan among the students. The Makkal Mandram , Trichy held a drawing competition on 26.01.2020 based on “Swatch Bharat “ concept. […]
Brainstorm Quiz Winners

13TH EDITION OF BRAINSTORM 2020 25TH January, 2020 Yagappa International School, Thanjavur conducted the 13th Edition of Brainstorm, 20 (the annual Inter-School Quest Fest) on 25th January,2020. It was held on 25th January, 2020. V.Midhunan and R. Salai Pozhil of class IX secured the Third place in the Brain Storm 2020 Quiz. Shyam Hussain.Z of […]

INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE OLYMPIAD (ONLINE) 2019 30th, January, 2020 Competitive Exams build a strong foundation in moulding the students to face the competitive driven world. It also builds confidence in the students. International Commerce Olympiad is one such examination conducted by Star Olympiad Foundation annually. It is an annual interschool online commerce examination for commerce students […]