National Level Winners!

VIKRAM SARABHAI SPACE CENTRE                            23rd October, 2019 CARE International School is very proud to state that our students were able to show their skills and potential in national level science examination conducted by VSSF in 2018-2019. The national level SPOT winners were invited as guest to visit VIKRAM SARABHAI SPACE CENTRE at Thiruvananthapuram. It was […]

World Animal Day

World animal day is a fantastic opportunity for the children of all ages to learn more about the role played by the animals in our day to day life irrespective of the fact whether they are wild animals or domestic animals. We must never forget that we also belong to the animal kingdom; the Homo […]


INTER SCHOOL SCIENCE FAIR                                           11th October, 2019 Science and technology are a part and parcel of our life. The Students of CARE College of Engineering conducted a science fair for the students of various schools in and around Trichy. The science fair was visited by the students of class IX. The exhibits on display […]


WORLD  POST DAY CELEBRATION                                                9th October, 2019 Today, world has become a global village. Communication and information technology plays a crucial role in bringing the world close together. The early means of communication was the postal service. The aim of celebrating world post day is to create awareness of the role of postal sector […]

Celebrating friendships- Pet Day Celebrations

Pets are part of our everyday lives and part of our families. They provide us with companionship but also with emotional support, reduce our stress levels, sense of loneliness and help us to increase our social activities and add to a child’s self-esteem and positive emotional development. In return, as responsible pet owners we need […]

Atal Tinkering Lab Inaugural

We are proud to share the inauguration of the Atal Tinkering Lab. Our CEO, Mr.Prative Chend inaugurated the lab. Followed by Lighting of the Lamp by CEO Madam Ms. Aarthy Nehru, Senior Principal Madam Ms. Preethy Amudan, Principal Madam Ms. Gita Pattanayak and teachers Ms. Prema Venkat and Ms. Pavithra. The purpose of the lab is […]

Chugga Chugga choo choo! A trip to Railway station.

A trip to railway station by class 4 & 5. The main purpose of this trip was to help our students understand how people travel.  Students also learnt how to travel safe. They were absolutely thrilled to see the control room and how tracks are changed and how signals work. Students visited the parcel service section. […]

Why to teach road safety at school?

When it comes to the safety of your children, we do not compromise. Unlike adults, children do not have the maturity to know what to do and what not, when walking on the roads. Without adult supervision and proper knowledge of road safety rules, children can put themselves at risk. By teaching about road safety […]

Future of food and tech behind it.

CARE believes in exposing the real world to our students and prepare them for the challenges ahead. With that tradition in mind, students of class 6th to 10th went to Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology, Thanjavur. Students got an idea about technology in food preserving,processing and manufacturing.    

A trip to a Farm

Our little champs went on a field trip to a KVK farm and they had a fabulous day at the farm… The day was tailored to offer an educational and fun filled hands on experience with a variety of activities that delighted and entertained the children. Children, Visited the incubator chamber, saw the eggs and touched […]

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