Learning never ceases !!! In this fast moving world the field of education is no exception. This year Central Board of Secondary education has come out with certain major changes and innovations in the Subject English for class X. In order to empower our teachers and update them regarding the changes, Care international school hosted […]


CAREER COUNSELING: AN INITIATIVE FOR COMMERCE In today’s competitive world it is essential that the students are made aware of the various career prospects and options available to them. CARE International School has always taken initiative to enlighten students and give them an insight into the various preferences available to them. A step in the […]

Young Scientist Search -2018

YOUNG SCIENTIST SEARCH 2018 The much awaited and highly acclaimed inter school competition the Young Scientist Search was conducted on July 7th, 2018. It saw a huge turn out of 550 students from the cities of  Trichy, Thanjavur, Manapparai & Dindigul. This event every year the students of various schools are provided a platform to […]

International Mud day

International Mud Day The United Nations recognises 29th June as International Mud day. It is celebrated to connect people across the globe with nature/mud. It was started in Nepal and Australia in 2008, with an idea to connect people with a common physical feature mud. It is also used as a fund raiser event for […]

Teacher workshops

CARE International School, has always been aiming to be the best in all fields, whether education, sports, games, skills or any other aspect of students life. Even teachers are trained and only accomplished teachers in their core subjects are appointed to impart education to the students. Regular training and brushing up of skills in teaching […]


INVESTITURE CEREMONY Democracy is a form of government for the people, by the people and of the people. In up keeping with the Care International Schools tradition, the school elections were held on 23th June, 2018. It was held based on democratic principles. Students were given time to file the papers /nomination and they were […]

World Yoga Day

WORLD YOGA DAY -2018 Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the […]

We are proud of You!

Congratulations Principal, Teachers, Students and parents for achieving great results! Proud of you!        

Ethnic game day

Our culture and heritage is just not locked in some historic buildings, monuments, temples, pictures, it is not in our religious text alone, it is present in our values and even in our traditional games, which our children are now loosing due to modern games and video games  In Care International School, we encourage our […]

Teacher Workshop by CBSE

CBSE CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAMME ON CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT- 24th & 25th NOVEMBER,2017 CARE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL has always felt that the students are an asset for the school and they require to be nurtured for with utmost care. At times there are certain children with special needs and difficult situations which need to be handled with tact […]

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