Celebrations, fun, joy, laughter, food and festivity all are celebrations. There is a first in everything. And this year CARE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL  had a beautiful bash, the CARE CARNIVAL. The Carnival had lot of attractions. It had games &rides, lucky draw, Photo booth, food & drinks, Bounce House, Face Painting, Trampoline, Dance & music, Kite […]

Annual Day Celebrations

ANNUAL DAY CELEBRATION: ROOTS TO SHOOTS People without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture are like a tree without roots. Every year CARE International School has presented Annual Days which are theme based. This year we are very proud to present our annual day which was an insight on the contribution of […]

VVM Exam

VIDYARTHI VIGYAN MANTHAN Knowledge is not bound within textbooks, it is beyond text books. Sciences has to be used in our day to day life and it is essential that for any country to progress to have the quality of inquisitiveness, observation, experimental nature. The students of Care International School gave the Science online examination […]


PARENTS ORIENTATION PROGRAM We believe and standby the age old wisdom “Parents are the second teacher in a child’s life”On 13th & 15th November 2018 , we had organized an orientation cum workshop on ” How to bring up successful and rich Kids” The session helped the parents to understand their child’s developmental needs and […]


CHILDREN’S DAY CELEBRATION A child is a gift of purity, love, innocence and the best of both worlds. At Care International School,children are the epitome of life. We have always given utmost love, care and affection to the children to nurture them and help in their healthy growth and development. All the children in their […]

IIMUN @ CARE, November 9 – 11, 2018

REPORT OF IIMUN TRICHY 2018 Being Indian at heart and international in mind, CARE International School opened the curtains for the third edition of IIMUN Trichy on November 9th to 11th 2018. This edition was entirely different from the other ones as the organizations changed its nomenclature of IIMUN from Indian International Model United Nations […]

Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, I’ve Got Love In My Tummy!!!

ETHNIC FOOD FESTIVAL OF INDIA AND NEPAL Food plays a very vital role in a man’s life.  A sound body is maintained by consumption of a healthy diet. A balanced diet is essentially a food which comprises all essential components required by the human body such as proteins, minerals, vitamins, iron, calcium, folic acid etc. […]


EDUCATIONAL TRIP: AGRA & NEW DELHI Education is not found in four walls or only in books, it is gained by experiential learning or learning through experience. A child is best gifted with knowledge when a child learns through observation. In order to help our students gain this experience we had taken them to New […]


INDIAN INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE FESTIVAL 2018 Some our students had a privilege to participate in the highly acclaimed ” Indian International Science Festival” conducted by the Government of India in Lucknow. The theme of this festival is “Reaching the un reached” with focus on use of science for transformation. Students came from various states across India. […]

First school to launch the Awakening citizenship Program

AWAKENING CITIZEN PROGRAM by RAMAKRISHNA MISSION, NEW DELHI “Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is not achieved.” Swami Vivekananda. In today’s world everybody is very busy and bustling in their daily routines. It has been found that the current generation is lacking ethics, moral values and sensitivity towards society &  the world as a […]

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