DST INSPIRE SCIENCE CAMP Two of our science stream student Master Vyas and Master Aditya of Class XI  attended a 5 day Inspire science camp conducted by Department of Science & Technology,Govt. of India, in the premises of National college, Trichy. It is a novel and innovative idea of the Government of India to sensitize […]


A Fun day with science!!!  Learning science from a book and learning through doing gives the child very different dimensions on the subject. At CARE International School the emphasis is learning by doing. The main objective of conducting ” Fun with Science Day” is to motivate school students to engage with science, to engage them in […]

A talk with Ms. Julia on Career Choices

EMPOWERING THE STUDENTS: CAREER CHOICES  As part of our INSPIRE session students of class 9 and 10 had an opportunity to interact with Ms. Julia, a student from Stanford University  is here in India to do her internship at our CARE Group of Institution, as part of her masters program. Ms. Julia shared her experience […]

Field Trip to Chakra Milk Factory

EDUCATIONAL EXCURSION CHARKA MILK & TULYA BEVERAGES, PERUMBALUR Every learning from a book can be expanded manifold with hands on learning. CARE International School has always believed in learning by doing. To encourage this very attitude and methodology of teaching, classes III, IV and V students i.e. 120 students were taken to Chakra Milk Parlour, […]

Field trip for Class 1 & 2

FIELD TRIP: FIRE STATION AND BUTTERFLY PARK A disaster can be avoided if we are prepared to face the disaster. Small children are quick learners. The children of classes 1 and 2 were taken on a visit to the Srirangam fire station. Excitement was in the air. Kids were awestruck with the very place where […]

Field trip for our tiny tots

FIELD TRIP: VISIT TO THE AQUARIUM Our cutie pies went to see beautiful, colourful fishes. The Kindergarteners were taken to the golden aquarium, Anna Nagar on 27th July, 2018. They were taken on this trip as a pleasure trip so that they can see a colourful world of fishes, tiny and big. The children squealed […]


Learning never ceases !!! In this fast moving world the field of education is no exception. This year Central Board of Secondary education has come out with certain major changes and innovations in the Subject English for class X. In order to empower our teachers and update them regarding the changes, Care international school hosted […]


CAREER COUNSELING: AN INITIATIVE FOR COMMERCE In today’s competitive world it is essential that the students are made aware of the various career prospects and options available to them. CARE International School has always taken initiative to enlighten students and give them an insight into the various preferences available to them. A step in the […]

Young Scientist Search -2018

YOUNG SCIENTIST SEARCH 2018 The much awaited and highly acclaimed inter school competition the Young Scientist Search was conducted on July 7th, 2018. It saw a huge turn out of 550 students from the cities of  Trichy, Thanjavur, Manapparai & Dindigul. This event every year the students of various schools are provided a platform to […]

International Mud day

International Mud Day The United Nations recognises 29th June as International Mud day. It is celebrated to connect people across the globe with nature/mud. It was started in Nepal and Australia in 2008, with an idea to connect people with a common physical feature mud. It is also used as a fund raiser event for […]

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