Knowledge is not bound within textbooks, it is beyond text books. Sciences has to be used in our day to day life and it is essential that for any country to progress to have the quality of inquisitiveness, observation, experimental nature. The students of Care International School gave the Science online examination Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan held on 25th November, 2018. Sixty Two students from our school had appeared in this examination. We are very glad and proud to state that our students touched the pinnacle and have achieved state ranks. The results are as follows:

S. No Name of the Students Various levels class Rank
1. AVN.Suryavathani State level VIII First
2. Kaushik Raj State level x Second
District level
1. Shyam Hussain District level VII Second
2. Divakaran.s District Level VII Third
3. ANS.Suryavathani District Level VIII First
4. Jaisshnuvv District Level VIII Third
5. Kausik Raj District Level X Second
6. Aditya. A District level XI Third
1. Shyam Hussain School Rank VII First
2. Divakaran.S School Rank VII second
3. Shree Sudhan School Rank VII Third
4. Ram Prasad School Rank VII Third
5. AVN. Suryavathani School Rank VIII First
6. Jaisshnuvv Subbiahrajah School Rank VIII Second
7. Midhunan.V School Rank VIII Third
8. Aditya.A School Rank XI First
9. Raguram.RS. School Rank XI Second
10. Srivatsan.V School Rank XI Second


It is a moment which we cherish and are very proud of, that out of the 148 students selected for state level two of them are from CARE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL.


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