“Children still need a childhood with dirt, mud, puddles, trees, sticks and tadpoles. “
– Brooke Hampton.
The Mud Day event held on 28 th June where children participating in various activities centered
around/ mud-based crafts and outdoor fun. The event took place in the open space under the shade
of a large tree, providing a natural and conducive environment for creativity and play.
1. Mud Painting: Children engaged in creative expression through mud painting, using their
hands and natural materials to create vibrant artworks on dhoti.

2. Kitchen Vessels in Mud: A hands-on experience where kids crafted miniature kitchen vessels
using clay and mud, exploring traditional techniques and fostering a connection with natural
3. Craft Activities: In their individual classrooms, participants delved into craft projects that
incorporated elements from the day’s outdoor activities, promoting continuity and creativity.
Mud Day 2024 was a memorable and educational experience for all involved. It showcased the
importance of outdoor play, creativity, and environmental awareness in children’s development.