CARE Inspire, a career guidance program where college professors, alumni and resource persons share
valuable thoughts, ideas and experiences to help the students to get an idea about the different
career options and what would best suit them in the changing scenario.

The students also had an online session with Mr. Mahinth chintala one of our alumnus who is
currently pursuing Metallurgy and material science Engineering @ IIT Madras.

He spoke to our students of class XI and XII about how to prepare for JEE and shared his study schedule and what helped him get into IIT Madras. He spoke to his juniors about his life at IIT Madras and what it is to study at the premier institution.

The students had a session with Mr. Siddarth who is an alumnus of our school and is
currently pursuing Fashion Communication @ NIFT Kannur. Students had an open house session with him and discussed how fashion communication can be used as a career option. He gave an in depth analysis of what skills would be beneficial while applying to colleges that offer Design and Fashion. He also gave a detailed description of various entrance exams, marking scheme, selection criteria of eminent colleges and what does the future hold for these careers.

Mr. Mohammed Nizaruddin, Assistant Professor AI & DS, CARE Engineering College, was our esteemed guest who guided the students about AI and new career dimensions brought
about because of AI. He spoke about professions that will be redundant due to AI and the new
professions that will come up due AI. Students had curiosity as to whether at any point of time AI
will overtake human race and some out of box thoughts.

These programs provided our students a better perspective on different careers, changing world and what it takes to pursue their dreams.

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