Empowering Future Entrepreneurs through 3D Innovation: A Collaborative Journey Between France and India”

The initiative “Made in 3D – Seed the Future Entrepreneurs” was originally conceived by La Fondation Dassault Systèmes and La Fondation La main à la pâte in France. This innovative program operates across both France and India, in collaboration with the Atal Innovation Mission of NITI Aayog and the Government of India.

The primary goal of the program is to acquaint students with the dynamic realms of product design, 3D digital technologies, 3D printing, and product promotion. Additionally, it aims to immerse them in the culture of “makers” and startups.

This year, the program engaged 250 schools, involving 6 students and 2 teachers from each, spanning 29 states and union territories of India. Our school was honored to be among the top 250 teams selected for participation.

Adhering to the essence of the program, SEP (Student Exchange Program) facilitated our student innovators’ collaboration with volunteers from the Dassault Systèmes Foundation. This collaboration provided mentoring support, guidance on prototyping and testing, feedback from end-users, and insights into intellectual property rights, offering a hands-on and structured experience akin to working in a startup environment.

A notable highlight of the program was the cross-cultural interaction between our students and teachers and their counterparts from French schools. Our partner institution, Collège Louis Pasteur in France, contributed significantly to this exchange. Our students Sharvesan, Amish Mohan, Sarah, Benny Joysen, Bhoomika of class 10 and Nithila of class 9 participated under the guidance of teachers Ms. Chitara and Mr. Preetham. These students presented a pitch deck about their product and interacted with their counterpart in France.

The collaboration unfolded across three stages: initial invitation, an icebreaker session featuring presentations on our respective cultures and projects, and a culminating online Zoom session held on March 20, 2024.

Throughout the program, introductory sessions allowed for sharing insights into our projects, cultures, and hobbies, fostering familiarity between the partnering schools.

The French twinning program with our school proved to be an enriching and unforgettable experience, broadening our horizons and deepening our understanding of French culture and language.

As the program draws to a close, we reflect on its transformative impacts. Beyond enhancing our language proficiency, it has instilled in us a newfound appreciation for cultural diversity, global citizenship, and the profound significance of human connections.

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