The last fieldtrip of the academic year 2022-23 for Primary (I-V) was planned
to Kallanai-The Grand Anicut. As students have studied about different sources
of water, Karikala Cholan, scientific instruments etc., it was decided to visit
Kallanai to get an understanding of how science and nature was part of everyday problem solving.

Lot of information about the great Tamil King, Karikala Cholan were shared
with the students in the Karikala Chola Manimandapam (Memorial hall)
through the beautiful paintings there. No doubt, the main attraction in the Hall
was the bronze statue of Karikala Cholan on an elephant but the achievements
of the king was also equally impressive. Students enjoyed Karikalan’s stories of travel to Himalayas and his love for science in solving problems for the betterment of his people.

As a preparatory work, few information about Kallanai was shared with the
students, through videos, which kept them curious for the field trip. Kallanai
Dam is the fourth oldest dam in the world. It still serves the people of
Tamilnadu, India. The dam was constructed by King Karikala Chola of the Chola
Dynasty in the 2nd century AD. The dam is located on the River Cauvery.

Improvements were made to the dam in the 19th century by Sir Arthur Cottons, a British general and irrigation engineer. While walking on the dam, they recalled all these information. 

Children viewed two big maps which showed the origin of Cauvery and its
course up to Bay of Bengal. The teachers explained the maps with the help of
the legends. Grade 4 and 5 students were explained about the sluice gates.
They also saw the scientific instruments lie rain gauge, wind-vane, cup
anemometer, sunshine recorder, hygrometer, etc. used to study climatic
Thus, this field trip gave a chance to the students to enjoy the beauty of
nature, to know about the Grand Anicut and feel proud about the mastermind
behind it- the great incredible king Katikala Cholan.

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