CARE organized a two day MEET THE CHAMPION event on 27th and 28th of January,2023. Ms. PV SINDHU, Padma Bhushan Awardee and 2 time Olympic medallist, Indian badminton ace was the Chief Guest of the event. 

On 27th, we had people of Trichy as audience and 28th was an exclusive meet up with our school parents and students. 

Our CEO, Mr. Prative Chend engaged the chief guest in a Fireside chat session. The evening was well organised and the audience were enthralled by the spontaneity and flow of the talk. 

True to our motto, Dream. Explore. Inspire, we brought the champion to inspire our students with her success stories and what she endured to succeed. 

” Both Sports and Academics are equally important” said double Olympic medallist and India’s ace shuttler P.V. Sindhu at an exclusive meet up with parents and students of CARE International School in trichy on Saturday. read THE HINDU newspaper.

Ms. P.V. Sindhu also advised that sports will keep the mind refreshed and energetic and also help perform better in academics.

She encouraged the students to believe in themselves and to believe in what they do, work hard towards it and be an inspiration to others.

She said, “More than winning or losing, it is important to do something in life and enjoy what you do. You should not regret not trying.”

She applauded the school for having amazing sporting facilities.

She was spontaneous while answering our student’s questions. Asked about her hardships that she went through and how she felt after a loss, Ms Sindhu said that her parents were the pillar of support and motivated her by saying that there is always another match. Our students enjoyed the interaction they had with her. 

She distributed certificates and trophies to our students who won in sports competition that happened through the year.  To check out more photo of the awards, please check our Instagram page and our Youtube channel for the video of the program. 


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