It is true that the smell of a yummilicious pizza on an exhausting evening is ecstatic; but not at the expense of our health. We are so addicted to fast foods and their marketing strategies and are caught in the vicious cycle of consuming them again and again.

Not only have we forgotten our old ,local, traditional food items but also we have highly disrespected them, ignoring their health benefits and now we are paying off for the mistake by getting diabetes, heart attack and other illnesses at a very young age.
We, at CARE International School felt burdened to see our roots getting destroyed in front of our eyes. We wanted to nudge our children so that they become patrons of our own food culture. Because, it is high time that we countervail the damage that we have already done to our own bodies.

As a part of Experiential learning ,students of Classes-8,9 and 10 were taken to our Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology , Thanjavur. They were moved to see the variety of grains and millets other than rice and wheat ,that were staples in Tamilnadu several years ago. Given the health benefits, statistics and the science behind these organic millets, they were nudged to wield the yield of their soil and slowly and steadily, move towards healthy eating.

Our children’s curiosity picked up momentum from there and they went ahead to know more about the different forms of millets such as pasta, noodles, cakes  and the multitudinous dishes using them. They were offered to taste them and the taste was beyond their expectations. 
Our efforts weren’t futile, as our students were all set to chart their own path towards healthy eating!

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