There are countless things that are going on around us which we miss to admire. We do forget to appreciate the happenings that are consistent around us. For example, we ignore the presence of oxygen around us as breathing is an involuntary action. We, at CARE International School, wanted our children to sit back, imagine and visualize such things for a day. As a part of study tour, Students of classes 3, 4 and 5 spent a day in Anna Science Centre – Planetarium, Tiruchirappalli on 15, September 2022 where our students witnessed and marveled the God’s wonderful creations and it also made us realize how insignificant we are when we place ourselves in the whole picture. 

We felt so blessed and privileged to be able to live on Mother Earth, though we have 7 other planets around us. Having not garnered it, it pricked us to protect it for our future generations. 

Myriad of models with a pragmatic approach, that were displayed kindled the curious minds ,to get to the basics of science such as how raindrops are created(water cycle),different systems that are put together in which we live in-our ecosystem, the concept of the inability of an object to move without an external force and how a sundial works.

Our minds were cautioned when learnt about the wondrous adaptations of plants according to the place, weather and the threats around them, and how much it is crucial to consume the locally grown in our own weather condition, rather than eating the imported fruits and veggies, which has zero nutrients, by the time it reaches our stomach. The complete understanding of the process of photosynthesis brought a huge respect to our producers-our plants.

Children had a great time admiring a minuscule of the creations in and around this world, with a robust determination to explore more and more in the future

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