“The future promise of any nation can be directly measured by the present prospects of its youth”
We, at CARE International School, are crystal clear that our youth build the future and we make sure that no stones are left unturned, when it comes to juicing the talents of our children through various means. Every student gives his/her active participation in all such activities.
One of those greatest benefitting efforts was our Youth Parliament that was conducted on April 7th,8th and 9th of this year. We are in complete awe on seeing the overwhelming efforts that our students have put in, in learning the procedures, preparing themselves to argue, knowing more about their committees and their issues, and coming up with countless solutions and made our program a grand success.
As we are aware that, democracy can be sustained and developed only by people, who understand its essence, we have exposed our children to a wide range of parliamentary procedures and made them perform as delegates, of various committees such as
· AIPPM (All India Political Party Meet) that discussed the topic ‘freedom of speech and expression in India’
· Loksabha, which had the topic ‘Reviving democracy with regards to fundamental rights’
· NITI Aayog with the topic ‘Mapping India’s progress with the sustainable development’,
· TNLA which had the topic ‘Water Management’
· UNSC with the topic ‘Russian and Ukraine Crisis’.
Students had healthy arguments and also suggested various innovative solutions, to solve the burning issues and to maintain peace in all nations. And as always, they performed exceptionally well, with their unquenchable spirit to compete, which urged us to award them as The Best Speaker, The Best Parliamentarian, High Recommendation and Verbal mention in every committee.
And, the list of students who have won awards in each committee are as follows:
· The Best Parliamentarian – Balamurugan T.R (VIII)
· The Best Speaker – Parthive Prasath (IX)
· High Recommendation – Jeevana Rajeshkanna (VIII)
· Verbal mention – Nangai E (X), Anika (VIII), Umar.K
· The Best Parliamentarian – Sam V.Mathew (IX)
· The Best Speaker – Abitha N (X)
· High Recommendation – Suwathi D.R (X)
· Verbal mention – Lidwina Angelin (X), Padma Sowgantika (X)
· The Best Parliamentarian – Roshini C(VIII)
· The Best Speaker – Smrithi S (VII)
· High Recommendation – Rithig Darshan (VIII)
· Verbal mention – Vikas M (VIII), Irfan Hussai (IX)
· The Best Parliamentarian – Keerthana S (X)
· The Best Speaker – Pranika Prative (X)
· High Recommendation – Lakshmi Krupa (XII)
· Verbal mention – Sameer (XII), Daksha (X)
· The Best Parliamentarian – Srusti (X)
· The Best Speaker – Jeya Sakthi D.R (IX)
· High Recommendation – Nithila Jennifer (VII)
· Verbal mention – Santhosh (XII), Krishovine (IX)
Here is the Instagram link
DAY 1&2: https://www.instagram.com/p/CcGDLjZp_t2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
DAY 3: https://www.instagram.com/p/CcIiV8qpdNt/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link