CBSE Science EXPO — 2019                                                       27th &28th November, 2019

Science is not studied in books alone but it is what we are able to utilise in our day to day life. Scientific thirst and temper is the need of the hour. In order to promote this quest for knowledge and apply the same, we encourage students to present their own models and experiments. Every year, we hold science exhibition from classes I to XII giving each child a platform to come out with their own science projects.

This year, two teams from our school were sent to the state level Science Expo conducted by CBSE on 27th and 28th November, 2019. The projects presented were: –

Martian Plantation by Jennifer Rubina and Preethi Prative from class X

Modern Irrigation by S. Rithish from class VII.

The venue of the exhibition was Adyapana CBSE School, Madurai. They were accompanied by their parents and our Science teacher Ms. Jessie Kanagalatha. It was a two-day event and the chief guest was Mr. Krishna, the editor of “the Hindu” Madurai.

We are very proud to state that Rithish’s project on Modern Irrigation qualified for the second round which was held on the IInd day i.e. 28th November. Here he was judged by 8 eminent judges.

The project Martian plantation was a miniature prototype model of the real Martian greenhouse. It was a low-cost setup. The student’s innovative idea received lots of appreciation.

The project modern irrigation was a simple automated irrigation project which is both cost effective and is sustainable in day to day life. It received more accolades from the judges the idea was easily implementable and highly scable.

We are very proud of our students and wish them all the very best for the next year for more innovative scientific exhibits.

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