Aryabhatta Ganit Challenge :

The school conducted the preliminary Examination on 22nd November 2019 as per CBSE instructions 105 students from classes VIII, IX & X wrote the test.

Three of them were selected for the stage II of the examination based on the marks obtained in the stage I which are as follows :

  1. Jennifer Rubina –  45/60  – Class X
  2. Mukesh –  43/60  – Class X
  3. Salai Pozhil –  42/60  – Class IX

They gave the stage II examination on 29th November 2019, which has been duly uploaded on the site.

CBSE Storytelling competition :

The first round of CBSE Story telling competition was held on 22nd November 2019. 57 students participated in the competition. They took up various topics provided by the CBSE.

The winners of the first round were asked to present a story on 25th November, 2019. The finalists were :

  1. Siva Randjane . V –  Class V
  2. Akshitha.A-  Class VIII
  3. Yassassvinee Aravind – Class X
  4. Nesha.L –  Class XI

The photos and videos has been uploaded as per CBSE instructions.

Inter school sports and games competitions :

The students of our school took part in the various sports events that was conducted by CBSE in the month of October 2019.

Fitness Week Celebration : 14thto 22nd November, 2019

CARE International School has always given priority to health care along with education to help in the holistic development of the students. We conduct regular sports activities, yoga, dance and aerobics etc. as a part of our school programs. During Fitness week celebration the following active were conduct in the school.

  1. 14th Nov 2019 – Ethnic games festival : As part of the children’s day celebration we had conducted the ethnic games day in which children played various games from different parts of India such as spinning the top, seven stones , pallanguli from Tamil Nadu , they also played games like Bante (marbles ), Sitholia from Jammu and Kashmir.


  1. 15 th Nov 2019 – Free hand exercises: On 15th November, 2019 we conducted free hand exercises during the morning assembly session.


  1. 18th Nov 2019 – Sports Activities : The students from classes VI to XII played Football, athletics, tennis, basket ball, cricket on the session.


  1. 19th Nov 2019 – Poster Making Competition: On 19th November, 2019 a poster making competition was conducted for classes III to XII on Games of India.


  1. 20th Nov 2019 – Yoga for all: On 20th November we conduct yoga for all the students from classes I to It was a part of our Fit India celebration.


  1. 21st Nov 2019 – Sports Activities: The students from classes I to V had karate, gymnastics, dance and silambam session on 21st November, 2019.


  1. 22nd Nov 2019 – Grandparents Day: The students of primary section celebrated Grandparents day on 22nd November, in which the children enjoyed the company of their grandparents. The grandparents gave children tips on healthy eating habits and how to keep fit.

The constitution Day :26th November, 2019

“Law and order are the medicine of the body politic and when the body politic gets sick medicine must be administered”. By Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

Today we are celebrating our 70th Constitution day. On this day we had adopted our constitution in 1949. At CARE International School we inculcate values in the future citizens of the nation. Today we had Special Assembly to commensurate with the constitution day. The students took pledge, which was followed by the reading of the preamble. This was followed by a discourse on the salient features of the preamble and what is the importance of the Constitution day. The students took a vow to abide by the constitution and expressed their allegiance towards the country India.


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