When it comes to the safety of your children, we do not compromise.

Unlike adults, children do not have the maturity to know what to do and what not, when walking on the roads. Without adult supervision and proper knowledge of road safety rules, children can put themselves at risk.

By teaching about road safety to our children, we ensure that they understand and practice the same and empower their parents to follow the rules as well. Students of class 1 to 3 went on a field trip to the newly opened Children’s Traffic Park, Trichy.

Here, they learnt about road safety rules and they promised to follow and to teach their family the same.

Some of the road safety rules are:

Know your signals

Do not run on the roads

Use platforms

Never put you hands out of the vehicle

Always look both sides before you cross. Use zebra crossing.

Use helmet while riding a bike.

Always wear seat belts


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