CARE International School organised the 4th edition of  ‘India’s International Model Untied Nations’-Trichy Chapter 2019 from 6th-8th September 2019 in the school premises.

IIMUN an organisation for the youth by the youth and of the youth. They believe that only YOUTH can change the world and so does CARE International school.

The 3 days of discussion, debate and arguments were the stepping stones for being the future diplomats. Participants were no more called by their names it was their respective country which framed their identity in this conference. Isn’t it interesting being referred to as Delegate of some country!?

We believe it’s not always about comprehending or congregating but most importantly creating and IIMUN looks forward to create the next set of leaders of the nation. Being Indian at heart, and International at mind IIMUN brought change in the way of learning.
It was a challenging forum for students to exhibit their oratory skills.
CARE bagged the overall trophy… Best Delegation Award and 11 title awards.

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