“Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is not achieved.”

Swami Vivekananda.

In today’s world everybody is very busy and bustling in their daily routines. It has been found that the current generation is lacking ethics, moral values and sensitivity towards society &  the world as a whole. They have become very self-centred and selfish.

In order to bring about change among the students our school has implemented the Awakening Citizens Program along with CBSE and Ramakrishna Mission.

As a part of this program Mr. Kumar Ramanan, Coordinator, Tamil Nadu, Ramakrishna Mission came to inspect the school and verify how far our school has successfully implemented the Awakening Citizen Program. This is a three year program implemented from classes 6th to 8th. The students conducted a special assembly presented a skit on environment. Then our guest of honour, Mr Kumar addressed the students and spoke about the boundless potential which is inside each human and how we need to arise and awake that potential and consciousness. He advised the students to compare themselves with their previous performance and not with others. He encouraged students with his positive words and implanted a strong belief that growth lies within us and not outside.

He assessed the ACP classes  and was highly impressed with the method of teaching by Ms. Tharini and Ms. Chandra. He was highly appreciative of our principal Ms. Gita Pattanayak for implementing this program in our school.

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