Career Counselling session II was conducted for classes XI and XII on 19th September, 2018. The founders of the Trichy plus Institution, which guides students and prepares them for competitive examinations both in India and for careers abroad, provided us a deep and clear insight on career opportunities and their scopes in future.

Mr. Sivakumar, a Mechanical Engineer threw light on unique career opportunities which would gain more importance in the upcoming years.

Mrs. Savithiri Sivakumr, a psychologist spoke about the competitive examinations held in India and also gave information about examinations that have to be written to pursue studies abroad such as SAT, TOEFL, IELTS etc. They also listed out the best colleges and universities for different educational courses. The session started at 9.30 a.m. and ended at 11.30 a.m.

The resource persons made the session very interesting & informative.

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