CARE Kindergarten team organized parent’s day celebration on 1st September, 2018 from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. The purpose of this special event is to give parents an insight into how the children play and learn in their classroom setting. It is also very valuable for the children to have the opportunity to share their learning with the parents at school and show them their place of study and fun. This in turn builds the child’s self-confidence and develops their speaking skills in talking about their learning.

Parent involvement in a child’s education is crucial. When parents get involved in their children’s education, children are more likely to do better in school, be better behaved, have more positive attitude toward school, and grow up to be more successful in life. Parents have a positive and huge impact in a child’s life. They are the world as far the child is concern, hence an active support from the parent is essential for the child to excel. Various events were held to bring up positive interaction between the children and their parents. The events that were held are as follows:

All these activities were arranged inside the classroom and parents explored these activities and played along with their children. After this event parents were assembled in the meeting hall CEO Ms. Aarthy Nehru, Senior principal Ms.Preethy Aaramudan, Principal Ms. Gita Pattanayak graced the session. UKG children welcomed the gathering, followed by our honorable CEO MS. Aarthy Nehru formally welcoming the parents.

Parents’ along with their child became show stoppers when they took over the center stage with their stylish walk and stormed the arena. Our CEO Ms. Aarthy Nehru gave the gifts to the winners for the dress up mom /Dad event. This was followed by an open mic session in which a few parents shared their suggestions and feedbacks about the event. The program came to an end with the vote of thanks by Ms. Ramola.

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