A Fun day with science!!! 

Learning science from a book and learning through doing gives the child very different dimensions on the subject. At CARE International School the emphasis is learning by doing. The main objective of conducting ” Fun with Science Day” is to motivate school students to engage with science, to engage them in a fun activity that is motivated by their curiosity and drive.

The chief guest and Mentor for this program was Mr.Kannabiran, who is none other than the state level coordinator for VVM. Today was his 247th Session of science and experiments in our daily life.

The following activities enthralled the students to think and go beyond the basics of science.

1. Figuring out the Black spots on the Sun.

2. Light & Shadow Dimensions.

3. Measuring heights using a Angle Tangle Meter.

4. Nano Solar Meter.

5.  To measure the direction, latitude & longitude in space.

6. Time Zones of the Earth

7. Rocketry – Model creation and Launching

The session concluded with a magic show based purely on scientific experiments and a valedictory address on contributions of eminent scientists in building the nation.

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