A disaster can be avoided if we are prepared to face the disaster. Small children are quick learners. The children of classes 1 and 2 were taken on a visit to the Srirangam fire station.

Excitement was in the air. Kids were awestruck with the very place where the fire trucks were parked and to look at the very fire fighting heroes. The fire fighting personnels made them aware about the various equipment’s that utilized generally to put out fire. They were allowed to put on fire fighter’s jackets, use the hose and spray over a little space. They got to see what the inside of the fire truck looks like. They had a first hand look at how to put out fire using fire extinguisher.

With the same excitement kids were taken to Butterfly park. Kids had a lot of fun in the park filled with beautiful plants, trees, butterflies and bees and geese in the water hole. Mr. Saravanan, the forest officer explained about the life cycle of the butterflies and screened short films on the same.

Kids headed back to school with lots of learning and fun

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