The much awaited and highly acclaimed inter school competition the Young Scientist Search was conducted on July 7th, 2018. It saw a huge turn out of 550 students from the cities of  Trichy, Thanjavur, Manapparai & Dindigul.

This event every year the students of various schools are provided a platform to quench their thirst in the field of STEM. This year also on 07.07.2018 the much awaited Young Scientist Search competition was conducted in the Campus. The various events organized under YSS were as follows:

  1. Chroma Splash for classes 1&2
  2. Thinking Hats for Classes 3-5
  3. Care Quiz for classes 6-12
  4. Exploratorium for Classes 9-12
  5. Off the cuff for classes 6 to 8
  6. Light …. Sound… Action!!!!!   For classes 9-12
  7. Head trip for classes 9to 12
  8. Hammer Out for classes 6 to 12.

The main aim of the program is to encourage students to develop their scientific temperament, skills and also to express themselves. Schools from in and around Trichy participated in the program. It was an exciting and fun filled program all the way.

Mr. Nandhakumar, JOINT COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX, IRS was the chairperson of the event. He presided along with Mr. Prative Chand, CEO CARE Group of Institutions, Ms. Aarthy Nehru, CEO – CARE International School, Senior Principal Ms. Preethi Arvamudan, Principal Ms. Gita Pattanayak.

The overall championship trophy was bagged by Mahatma Gandhi Centenary Vidyalaya, Trichy and Chelammal Vidhyaashram, Trichy bagged the runner’s up trophy.

The program was enjoyed by all the students and faculty alike. As most of the program were adjudicated by eminent Judges from various fields it was all the more competitive and added a thrill to the program. We also take this opportunity to thank the management for organizing such a wonderful event which hones our skills in various fields and also gives adequate exposure to our students.




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