International Mud Day

The United Nations recognises 29th June as International Mud day. It is celebrated to connect people across the globe with nature/mud. It was started in Nepal and Australia in 2008, with an idea to connect people with a common physical feature mud. It is also used as a fund raiser event for world causes.

Mud, muck, sucks that’s how parents, teachers and every one reacts on seeing children playing in mud. But playing in mud does wonders to the skin and builds the new academic Year for the child wonderfully. The pre-primary children at Care International School started their year in a fantastic manner by playing in the mud, in the lap of Mother Nature. They got dirty and made others dirty. It make us elders realised how growing up makes us loose are individuality. The children our blooms/buds from the pre-primary and primary department, thoroughly enjoyed celebrating the international mud day in our school premises at Care. They made mud castle, mud pies, did tower building and off course got themselves muddy. It was a celebration, which all teachers and parents wanted to join and feel the child within them. The objective of this celebration was to help them make new friends, have some fun and find it easier to adapt to the new environment and the school.

At Care, the idea is to make the child feel at home,so that they can do their best. Wishing our young blooms all the best for the upcoming academic session. Have a muddy year ahead.

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