CBSE workshop photo


CARE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL has always felt that the students are an asset for the school and they require to be nurtured for with utmost care. At times there are certain children with special needs and difficult situations which need to be handled with tact and diplomacy.

In order to again polish the skills of the teachers to handle such situations our school in collaboration with CBSE organised Capacity building programme in which nearly 58 teachers/principals from various schools participated. It was a two day programme. The resource persons were as follows:

  1. Mrs. Bhavani  (Principal)
  2. Mrs. Nigar Akathar (Principal)

Both of them are eminent principals from leading schools at Chennai. The programme was divided into two days.

The events of the FIRST day were as follows:

  1. Challenges in the classroom.
  2. Objectives of promoting effective class.
  3. Impact of effective teacher.
  4. Agenda: its importance.
  5. Goal and its achievement.

The events of the SECOND day were as follow:

  1. Revise a plan; Revisit a plan: Achieve goals.
  2. Follow 5 P’s Prompt, prepared, productive, patient and polite.
  3. Emergency evacuation.
  4. Positive enforcement/Negative enforcement.
  5. Types of rewards.
  6. Interpersonal relation: Always remain humane.

It was an excellent workshop which helped all the teachers to acquire and polish their skills regarding class room management under the mentorship of our Senior Principal Mam, Mrs. Preeti Aramudhan. 


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