iimun report


CARE International School in collaboration with IIMUN hosted the IIMUN Trichy chapter 2017 (Second Edition) from 3rd to 5th November 2017 in the school campus. The event had nearly 250 delegates from nearly 15 schools in and around Trichy handled 7 committees. . The list of committees are as follows

  1. Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC)
  2. Economic and Financial Council (ECOFIN)
  3. Lok Sabha
  4. World Health Organization (WHO)
  5. United Nations Security Council (UNSC )
  6. Social Cultural and Humanitarian Committee (SOCHUM)
  7. International Press (IP)

The conference was inaugurated by the chief guest Mr. Trichy Shiva, MP, Rajya Sabha and guest of honour Mr. John Ashok Varadarajan, Vice Chairman, Rover Group of Institutions. The guests addressed and shared their experience with the gathering.

Over the 2 days of the conference, the student delegations belonging to various committees had series of discussions, deliberations on the most pressing global issues.The delegates debated on various topics like cashless economy, climate change, smart and AMRUT cities etc. This time as an add-on the delegates of IP had press conference with different committees and the teachers who accompanied the delegates from various school had a discussion separately about many topics like demonetisation etc.

The conference came to an end with an award ceremony on 5th November.  Montfort school bagged the  the overall Best Delegation Award .



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