
Care International School believes that history and architecture is better learnt from live exposure to museums and visit to galleries than books. On 10.12.16, the students of classes VIII to X were taken on an educational field trip to Madurai to learn history of freedom struggle by visiting the Gandhi Museum & to have a broad outline on the architectural beauty and engineering techniques of Madurai Meenakshi temple and Thirumalai Nayakkar Mahal.

The experts gave the children lots of information about the position, size, architectural and engineering nuances of the temple and the palace. The children were briefed on the various entrances of the temple, the streets around it having the names of Tamil months, the period in which it was built, how Tamil literature arose during Pandya era and the Pandya kings who contributed to the engineering & architectural beauty of the age old monument. The perfection and sequence of handmade pillars of the temple astonished the children and they did not fail to appreciate the engineering and architectural techniques utilised when science and technology was not up to the mark. The 1000 pillars Mahal left the children in awe!

The students specially found a three dimensional painting of a Shiva Lingam very mesmerising. They were astonished to find that where ever they moved in a particular corridor it appeared that the Lingam also moved along with them. The concept of optical illusion was cleared by the physics teacher.

The visit to Gandhi Museum made the children realize the sacrifice and contributions made by the Indians towards freedom struggle. At Thirumalai Nayakkar Mahal the children learnt the details of the life history of the king of the Bygone era and how drama and dance played an important role of entertainment in their life. The students were able to see and appreciate the importance of the confluence of Indo- Italian architecture and saw the huge dimension of the pillars and were also made aware of the fact that no steel or wood was used to build the Mahal.

It was an excellent exposure.

One Response

  1. Madurai field trip was a beautiful trip…..,.we enjoyed a LOT …………….

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