investiture ceremony

On 24th June, 2016, deserving young talents of our School were bestowed with the responsibility of leading their School from the front with their commitment, confidence and competence. The Investiture Ceremony thus marked the inaugural of the student council for the academic session 2016-17.

The chief guest of the august gathering, Mr.Debendra Narayan Kar, I.R.S., Comissionor of Income Tax, Chennai & Trichy pinned up badges, offered the sashes and flags to each council member. Each student council member stood upright with their heads held high and their hearts in humility as each picked up their precious flags.

With the vigorous beats of the drums and a march playing, the school Head Girl, Head Boy, the Sports Captains and the House Captains and their respective house members marched in procession up the aisle.

The Student Council Members are

Head Girl Miss. Shayanitha.V
Head Boy Master. Dhruv Ananda
Sports Captain Master. Rhithick. M
Cultural Secretary Miss. Sakthi.S
Asst. Head Girl Miss. Lakshmi Pooja. S
Asst. Head Boy Master. Ashvanth. G
Asst. Sports Captain Master. Amrita Ganesh. R
Asst. Cultural Secretary Miss. Navya Sri. A.N.S
Fire House Captain Master. Mithun Kowsik. B
Earth House Captain Master. Rahul.S
Sun House Captain Master. Tharun.R
Sky House Captain Master. Senthileswar B.A
Vice Fire House Captain Miss. Harini.K
Vice Earth House Captain Miss. Ranjani. S
Vice Sun House Captain Master. Sanjay. S
Vice Sky House Captain Master. Darshan. PR


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