SOCIALSCIENCEEXHISocial science Exhibition has been organized on  20th August 2014 by our Social Science Department at our school. The children of classes 6,7&8 took an active participation. The children were split into groups and each grade given a part of History based on their standard. While class 6th dealt with the Prehistoric period, class 7th the Medieval history of India and class 8th shared their part in Modern History.

The class 6th children presented models of art and architecture,coins, jewelry, charts on the cave paintings, Indus & Harappan Valley Civilization and the early kings like Ashoka and Pallava.

Students of Class 7 exhibited models and charts on the Medieval history from 7th century starting from Rashtrakutas to later Mughals.

The History of Indian Independence, Reforms carried by the various reformers were effectively done by the students of  class 8.

This exhibition was well received and appreciated by the spectators.


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