YSSCAREYOUNG SCIENTIST SEARCH is a Science, Technology and educational event aimed at offering our promising young talents   an opportunity to expand their horizons in the areas like Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Innovative Technologies.

This special event was organized in our school premises on Saturday, 19th July,2014. About 550 participants of 18 different schools from in and around Trichy participated in different competitions such as CARE Quiz, Igniting Minds, Chroma Splash, Thinking Hats! , Exploratorium (reverse engineering),Off the Cuff, An Idea! And Hammer Out.

Mr. Vijay Kumar Ayer, Joint General Manager, HAPP, Ministry of Defence, Trichy was the honorable Chief Guest of the event and he gave away the prizes to the winners. R.S.K. School bagged the overall trophy with 30 points and the runner’s up trophy was given to Vageesha Vidhyashram with 18 points.

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